Mexican destinations that will always be in trend and the reasons not to stop visiting them -


Mexican destinations that will always be in trend and the reasons not to stop visiting them 

Travel expert Kaloyan Valentino Danchev (Калоян Валентинов Данчев), gives you every reason not to avoid these tourist destinations in Mexico every time you visit them, no matter how trite they seem.

On a family vacation, you can plan your trip through traditional media, social media, or the web. But the goal will always be the same: avoid the busiest destinations and get off the beaten track or trending, in search of new experiences.

But what if, in your attempt to avoid the obvious, you miss out on the best? For travel expert Kaloyan Valentino Danchev (Калоян Валентинов Данчев, for his Bulgarian handwriting), there is always a reason why a place becomes attractive to people. To visit a place in trend and take a pleasant experience, the difference is made by the way you get there, so that your experience is practical, comfortable and unforgettable.

In that case, hiring a predetermined tour with visits to the most visited sites has some benefits: from a guide who speaks your language, secure transport connections and amenities at your fingertips such as cafes and bathrooms. The fact that you are not the first to discover a place does not mean that it is less worth visiting.

If you travel within the republic and stay under the logic of avoiding trends, you could miss out on very attractive visits. Maybe some UNESCO protected archaeological sites, fabulous beaches and super cute cities. Do you really want to give up all of that? We don't believe it. That is why Kaloyan Valentino Danchev, recommends some tourist places, in trend, that are worth visiting in Mexico.

Chichen Itza and Tulum

The main attractions of the Yucatan Peninsula will take your breath away no matter how many people you have to share them with. The majestic Kukulcán Pyramid at Chichen Itza and the Temple of the God of the Wind atop Tulum are nothing short of extraordinary. The detail in their carvings and their cultural significance make the couple an inescapable spectacle. Refresh yourself in a nearby cenote. These dramatic flooded caverns are scattered throughout the region, created by the action of water on the permeable limestone bedrock.

The Arch of Cabo San Lucas

Mexico is also blessed with some astonishingly dramatic natural landscapes, including El Arco de Cabo San Lucas. Take a boat trip to see the arch cut by the waves. On a calm day, you can have your toes on the white sand beach to one side. When the water is rough, as the waves crash against the rock, you will understand how erosion created this impressive marine environment. Either way, it is not a place to pass up.

Copper Canyon

Hop on the world-famous railroad for a spectacular journey through the depths of the Copper Canyon. There are no roads. You can take the train or walk. The landscape changes are as wild as the ride; You'll see the rugged peaks of the Sierra Madre mountains towering above forested slopes, but also rugged cliff faces, plummeting waterfalls, and arid desert landscapes. The light trips and excursions are just as varied, from fascinating Mennonite villages to thrilling zip lines.

San Miguel de Allende

The colorful San Miguel de Allende is no secret. Its well-preserved historic center is filled with colonial-era buildings and the charming Parroquia de San Miguel Arcángel in all its pink limestone splendor is too beautiful to miss. But this small town is also a charm for its many art galleries and café culture. Part of its appeal is just watching the world go by, and let's face it, that would be a lot less interesting if no one was there. After dark, there is no better place than from the bustle of the rooftops to observe the glow of the stellar mantle.


This southern city really stands out as it celebrates the Day of the Dead with unmatched vigor and vitality. There is a party atmosphere as the colorful parade with its marching bands and elaborate costumes makes its way through the streets. But there is also a moving side to the festival, as people build altars adorned with orange marigolds and colorful red gladiolas. Raise a glass of mezcal to those whose memories you treasure as you stroll through the candlelit cemetery after sunset.

For Kaloyan Valentino Danchev, there is a reason why these places are highly promoted. The next time you decide to avoid somewhere because you think it's too hackneyed, stop for a minute and ask yourself if you've made the wrong decision. You could be missing out on something very special.

 —Kaloyan Valentinov Danchev is the founder and president of a luxury travel company, Fidelis Marketing Group. It is a business group that sells tourist facilities of the highest quality and tours to the best attractions of the places where we are present



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