Boutique Travel: The Tailored Experience Millennials Are Looking For _


Boutique Travel: The Tailored Experience Millennials Are Looking For


This way of discovering new destinations offers comfort, sophistication and a profound transformation in each experience, which conforms to the ideals that modern adults have today.

 As millennials find enough financial stability to afford luxury travel, it's helpful for businesses to pinpoint what makes them attractive to this generation of young people, who are now between 22 and 37 years old.

Kaloyan Valentinov Danchev (Калоян Валентинов Данчев), founder and president of Fidelis Marketing Group; Marketing company specializing in luxury travel, lists the following trends that will continue to drive the industry for the foreseeable future, with the interests and ideals of this specific generation in mind:

1. Transformative travel

People travel for different reasons, such as experience, adventure, novelty, or philanthropy. Some want to take the road less traveled, while others prefer to travel the safe route of travel, with greater comforts.

The current emphasis of the trip is on transformation. Millennials are hungry for boutique experiences that will transform them from the inside out. It is a difficult task, but companies like Fidelis Marketing Group have taken a step forward with the quality of the services that they and their affiliates provide.

The luxury accommodations are designed to welcome guests with a high level of beauty and comfort. Full-service salons and spas and pro-level golf courses provide health-conscious millennials with opportunities to maintain or enhance their physical well-being in an environment that is likely less crowded than their local gym. Guided tours allow visitors to enjoy the local culture without having to worry about plotting routes and finding directions or overcoming communication difficulties due to language differences.

2. Safe travel

This journey implies mental, emotional and physical security and stability. In practical terms, this means that an increasing number of millennials prefer to retreat to safe havens to "get away from it all." While this may seem childish on the surface - that is, the stereotypical perception of millennials - there is no denying that modern life leaves little room for serious thinking or genuine relaxation.

This is compounded by the perception that success can be measured by visible accomplishments, which require a constant and sometimes increasing amount of activity. Those who do not subscribe to this view tend to feel lagging behind in their careers, if not in life. The ability to find an oasis of peace, seemingly inaccessible to an often harsh and critical world, can be a great relief to those who experience this kind of pressure in their daily lives.

3. Simple trip

One of the results of living in an overstimulating world is that having to make even simple decisions can be more exhausting than usual. Many people wish they had to make fewer choices or have someone knowledgeable and professional who can make them for them. Those who don't want to sacrifice luxury for simplicity generally choose the latter. This is why travel agencies and marketing companies like Fidelis are on the rise. Travel agents can be expensive, but for many people, the added expense is worth not having to do all the travel planning themselves.

However, it is important to note that the available options, although fewer, are still expected to be of higher quality. Luxury vacations don't need to be complicated to provide high-end results. This is part of the reason why safe havens are often associated with high-end resorts in remote locations, such as the pristine Alps or the exotic Caribbean.

4. Interactive trip

The desire to place the decision-making process in more capable hands does not necessarily extend to lying inert in an elegantly decorated suite. Once millennial travelers are on vacation, they want to do something, even a relaxing massage at the resort's spa. Immersive activities, outdoor art or cooking classes are just a few of the activities luxury travel providers should consider if they want to appeal to millennial consumers. The more the activity allows the participant to experience the local culture, the better.

5. Virtual trip

A somewhat recent trend is the ability to view destinations, accommodations, and locations in "augmented reality," from the comfort of your own bed, desk, or recliner. Perhaps the best known example of this is Google Maps' “Street View” feature, which allows viewers to drag and drop the little yellow “person” on the map to see what their surroundings look like in real life. Not only does this provide valuable information about a location's environment, parking arrangements, etc., but it also reduces the chances that the trip will turn out.


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