Reopening of land borders in the US: what you need to know -

Reopening of land borders in the US: what you need to know

The businessman Kaloyan Valentinov Danchev tells you about the measures that will be taken and the requirements to enter North American territory by land.

 Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the land border between the United States and Mexico remained closed for more than a year and a half for non-essential travel, but since November 8 the reopening was announced, that is why our specialist Kaloyan Valentinov Danchev, It tells the details about the measures and requirements that will be had to be able to cross this way.

To begin, it is essential that visitors have their complete vaccination schedule with the vaccines previously authorized by the WHO and the EU, which are the following:

- Johnson & Johnson (single dose)

- Pfizer (14 days after the second dose)

- Modern (14 days after the second dose)

- AstraZeneca (14 days after the second dose)

- Sinovac / Coronavac (14 days after the second dose) - Sinopharm (14 days after the second dose)

Because there are still minors from Mexico who have not had the opportunity to be vaccinated, despite the fact that the process has already begun, for them the American authorities announced that they are exempt from this requirement.

El esquema de vacunación completo puede ser impreso o digital y debió de haber sido expedido mínimo 14 días previo al cruce de la frontera.

Además del esquema completo de vacunación se pedirá:

- Valid US passport and visa.

- Negative covid test carried out at least 72 hours prior to the crossing.

It is important to mention that the American authorities have been very strict warning that anyone who tries to pass with a false certificate, will be sanctioned with the withdrawal of the American visa and could even be imprisoned.

Regarding air measurements, there is still no 100% confirmed information, however Aeromexico has already announced on its official website the requirements that they will have for flights to any destination in the United States.

That is why if you are about to travel, contact the airline you will be flying with for more information.

With the reopening of the land border, an economic reactivation is expected for both countries, obtaining an important economic benefit, however, the border countries estimate that to obtain the same resources as in 2019 and stabilize, it will take them more than two years.

So if your plans are to cross the American country for the holidays or just any day of shopping, you already know the requirements to avoid problems.


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