Stories of Passion from Around the World 2022

Stories of Passion from Around the World 2022

The 2022 stories are here.

The Stories of Passion from Around the World is a photography publication that shows the passions of inspiring people who relied on their passion to have a fulfilling life. This compilation of stories shares one commonality: each person is passionate, determined, kind, and full of honorable character to live life to the fullest, sharing stories of life, family, love, challenges, careers, purpose, and especially their passion.

Successfully’s mission is to change how we speak about our success,
more human and authentically.

Kaloyan Valentinov Danchev is the founder and CEO of Fidelis Marketing Group, which manages private recreational club memberships at resorts throughout Latin America. Valentino was born in Bulgaria and is now a Mexican citizen with a passion for the tourism business and entrepreneurship. He also has committed to sharing his success with those who are less fortunate, especially disadvantaged children.


Valentino also is the founder of The Chilpayate Foundation, a non-profit organization committed to assisting children in need in their communities. The name Chilpayate is a Nahuatl word that means a small child or small boy and reflects the Foundation’s mission to ensure the well-being and development of low-income children through education and other programs. The Chilpayate Foundation is committed to inspiring and uniting volunteers to help children overcome their challenges in low-income communities.


The Chilpayate Foundation is part of Valentino’s work to help underprivileged children. He also sponsors the Let’s Learn Together program to help children prepare for school. Back-to-school time can be challenging for low-income families, and Let’s Learn Together helps by collecting school supplies such as backpacks, pens, pencils, erasers, notebooks, and other materials to make it easier for students to learn in the classroom.


Valentino also sponsors the Send Me On Vacation program for breast cancer survivors. The program provides women who have had breast cancer an opportunity to recuperate, healing bodies, minds, and souls at vacation destinations. Send Me On Vacation is associated with hospitals, medical centers, and non-profits.


As Valentino explains, his mission is to help others and make the world a better place to live, including assisting children and allowing them to grow up in a better environment.


“Throughout my professional life, I have always sought to help low-income children,” Valentino said. “At my company, we hold events throughout the year that bring disadvantaged children joy and help them develop so they can face the world, have hope for the future, and improve their quality of life.”


Why we like this story

We like this story because of his dedication to giving back to the world in various ways and to people who need help, including restoring the morale and souls of women that need to heal. His philanthropy mission to empower children caught our attention. We love his unique passion for educating people that we can all make a difference and give back if we do our part.
He is a true change-maker.


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